When school doesn’t work, you need to find a way to keep on learning.
This blog covers the journey of my family, Ashleigh my son, Carmel, my wife and Alexander (me), across Eastern Australia in search of learning, family time and a better future.
Our choice of transport is a second hand Jayco Expanda Outback. It has a kitchen, fridge, shower, toilet, two double beds, two TVs, a dining table, an air conditioner and an awning. While are are not exactly roughing it, this will be a big shock for a family used to a big house, a city lifestyle, Netflix, fast internet and a good barista.
Ash’s school will sending us work to do. I am also hoping to supplement that with observations of nature and of the different lives people can live. All lovely platitudes – let’s see if something can come of it.
As well as school, we want to fit is some sight seeing, some free camping (away from amenities), some 4WD fun and some work experience.
Wish us luck for the next thirteen weeks!
Good luck and have fun !
Great idea, we’ll follow your itinerary with interest, keep us posted.
God speed.
I look forward to a range of photographs of PRESTAGS counters in interesting outback locations. Wishing you all a safe, wonderful, amazing, enlightening, enriching and totally awesome journey. We will all travel with you in our thoughts and prayers.
[Alex] Prestags counters will only be found in http://www.prestags.com, and I can’t fit any Prestags alas in the caravan!