Eugowra – Where Carmel was born

Carmel was born at Dripping Rock farm near Eugowra and lived there for four years. Although she does not have many memories herself, being the youngest, she grew up on the stories he parents and siblings told of the place.

Our caravan as seen from Dripping Rock Homestead
Our caravan as seen from Dripping Rock Homestead

The homestead is on National Park land, so there are no dog shots below.

View of the shearing shed from the old homestead
View of the shearing shed from the old homestead

The original house on the property was converted to a shearing shed by Carmel’s dad and a new home erected down the hill. Carmel’s mum planted fruit trees around the home, many of which are still there are are covered in fruit.

Old homestead orchard
Old homestead orchard

The chicken coop is clearly recognisableOldChickenCoop

Unfortunately, the main homestead building burned down about five years ago and was cleared away rather than rebuilt. Nothing remains of the main building except black and white photos in Canberra.

Ash at the back gate looking towards where the homestead was.
Ash at the back gate looking towards where the homestead was.


Peak Hill – fossils and gold

We stopped over in Peak Hill to see the largest fish fossil in the world: 4.5 metre long Xiphactinus.

Replica of Large Fossil Fish in the world
Replica of Large Fossil Fish in the world

Slightly disappointingly, it is a model of a fossil found in Kentucky. However, I could not tell the difference, and it beautifully captures the detail, so I enjoyed it nonethless. There were also “real” trilobites…


sea ferns….


… and smaller, but real, fish fossils.


It’s a small collection, but worth a view if you are in town or passing through.

Peak Hill also has a gold mine.


It was worked originally in the nineteenth century for a few months, and then again early this century for six years. There still is a lot of gold, but it is not economic to extract at present.