Good morning from Grosvenor Hill Caravan Park, Goulburn, home of the Singing Ants!

These ants have a predeliction for country music but also do a bit of instrumental, but nothing so unclassy as to have been composed this century.
I am beginning to suspect that caravan parks have themes. Grosvenor Hill Park, despite its small size (it seems to cater to the overnight traveller), has three themes. No only does it have the singing ants, it also has an awesome model train set up

and two aviaries.

Behind the caravan park isĀ bit of scrub leading off to the Goulburn Tip (I didn’t realise until I got close). Lots of wild life there. We ran into several mobs of kangaroos, but only one let me get a shot. Pip went beserk when it began hopping.

Around the tip I saw a wild dog and I think a feral cat, but they did not want to get near me. There were lots of bullants too, but very hard to photograph on all the litter they use for their hives.