We stopped off at Junee on our way north. The key purpose of the stop over was to collect fresh water as we had used both our tanks at Rutherglen – too much washing of clothes and hair. These are now deferred to caravan park stays.

However, Junee has some attractions. There was a soccer gala day happening at the oval – I longed to pull on my boots again! We visited the Chocolate and Licorice factory for – um – educational purposes. Best of all, they do tastings! Even I could detect the chocolate notes in these samples.
I spotted an old Landcruiser that has a tale to tell. We looked at landcruisers when preparing for the trip, but the price was a bit rich. Our Nissan Patrol is doing a great job, so no regrets so far.
After leaving Junee, we reached Young for lunch. We were outside the cherry season, but I think now we have a van, we should return for it. Carmel used to live here and we visited the home her parent’s built.