As I write now, for the first time we have the entire family (ACAD – Alex, Carmel, Ashleigh and Dog) all together for a night in the caravan in Forster. It may be six weeks into the trip before we all made it together, but we got there.

Earlier this week Carmel and I were in Wyangala Waters when Ashleigh finally agreed to join us. So we drove back to Sydney, which was good as we managed to get rid of the bits we were not using and add bits we had left behind. Best of all, we all got in the car together and headed north.

Forster has the advantage of being north (and a minimum of 10º tonight, rather than -8º in Tumut) and a new direction. From here we will drift up the coast and visit Toowoomba (Carmel’s family), Longreach (old Qantas planes) and then Mt Isa.